Developing early mathematical modelling skills in the early ages: a comparative analysis at 3 and 5 years




Early Mathematical Modelling, modelling cycle, development of modelling skills, teaching practice, Early Childhood Education


Two Early Mathematical Modelling activities implemented to the same group of students in 3 years and 5 years respectively are compared to analyse the skills that students develop to create models. In both cases, the activity has been designed considering a seven-phase modelling cycle (Understanding, Structuring, Mathematization, Mathematical Work, Interpretation, Validation and Presentation) and has been analysed from the Rubric for the Evaluation of Mathematical Modelling Processes (REMMP), with specific indicators for Early Childhood Education. The results show that, progressively, early age students develop specific skills to create concrete models based on the mathematical knowledge they mobilize. It is concluded that to promote the development of early mathematical modelling skills, it is necessary to systematically implement this type of practice in the classroom from Early Childhood Education.


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How to Cite

Alsina, A., Toalongo-Guamba, X., Trelles-Zambrano, C., & Salgado, M. (2021). Developing early mathematical modelling skills in the early ages: a comparative analysis at 3 and 5 years . Quadrante, 30(1), 74–93.


