Um método de meta-revisão da investigação que revela a inevitável natureza sistémica do afeto




meta-revisão qualitativa, variáveis afetivas, unidimensional, multidimensional, sistema de afetos


Este artigo pode ser visto como uma contribuição metodológica para a realização de meta-revisões qualitativas de trabalhos de investigação publicados na área do afeto em educação mate­mática. Aplicamos esse método a um número especial de uma revista científica e a um livro da série de estudos do ICMI, a fim de averiguar se em cada artigo em consideração o afeto emerge na sua natureza sistémica ou se, ao invés, as variáveis afetivas são consideradas isoladamente. Diferentes tipos de casos surgiram na nossa investigação.


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Boero, P., Douek, N., Morselli, F., & Pedemonte, B. (2010). Argumentation and proof: A contribution to theoretical perspectives and their classroom implementation. In M. M. F. Pinto & T. F. Kawasaki (Eds.), Proceedings of the 34th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, (vol. 1, pp. 179–204). PME.

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De Simone, M. (2015). Intertwining of rationality and emotions in mathematics teaching: a case study. In M. S. Hannula, G. C. Leder, F. Morselli, M. Vollstedt, & Q. Zhang (Eds.), Affect and mathematics education: Fresh perspectives on motivation, engagement, and identity (pp. 233–254). Springer.

DeBellis, V. A., & Goldin, G. A. (2006). Affect and meta-affect in mathematical problem solving: A representational perspective. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 63(2), 131–147.

Di Martino, P., & Zan, R. (2011). Attitude towards mathematics: A bridge between beliefs and emotions. ZDM Mathematics Education, 43, 471–482.

Dobie, T. E. (2015). A sociocultural examination of utility value in mathematics: The role of interdependence in middle school students’ perceptions of usefulness. In M. S. Hannula, G. C. Leder, F. Morselli, M. Vollstedt, & Q. Zhang (Eds.), Affect and mathematics education: Fresh perspectives on motivation, engagement, and identity (pp. 67–88). Springer.

Evans, J., Morgan, C., & Tsatsaroni, A. (2006). Discursive positioning and emotion in school mathematics practices. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 63(2), 209–226.

Goldin, G. A. (2014). Perspectives on emotion in mathematical engagement, learning, and problem solving. In R. Pekrun & L. Linnenbrink-Garcia (Eds.), Handbook of emotions in education (pp. 391–414). Taylor & Francis.

Graven, M., & Heyd-Metzuyanim, E. (2019). Mathematics identity research: The state of the art and future directions. ZDM Mathematics Education, 51, 361–377.

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Habermas, J. (1998). The inclusion of the other: Studies in political theory. MIT Press.

Hannula, M. S. (2006). Motivation in mathematics: Goals reflected in emotions. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 63(2), 165–178.

Hannula, M. S. (2012). Exploring new dimensions of mathematics related affect: Embodied and social theories. Research in Mathematics Education, 14(2), 137−161.

Khalil, D., Lake, E., & Johnson, A. (2015). Teachers’ classroom engagement structures: A comparative study of a novice US and an experienced UK mathematics teacher. In M. S. Hannula, G. C. Leder, F. Morselli, M. Vollstedt, & Q. Zhang (Eds.), Affect and mathematics education: Fresh perspectives on motivation, engagement, and identity (pp. 255−282). Springer.

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Liljedahl, P. (2016). Flow: A framework for discussing teaching. In C. Csíkos, A. Rausch, & J. Szitányi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 40th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 3, pp. 203−210). PME.

Liljedahl, P. (2018). Affect as a system: The case of Sara. In B. Rott et al. (Eds), Views and beliefs in mathematics education (pp. 21−32), Springer.

Malmivuori, M.-L. (2006). Affect and self-regulation. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 63(2), 149−164.

McLeod, D. B. (1992). Research on affect in mathematics education: A reconceptualization. In D. A. Grouws (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Mathematics Learning and Teaching (pp. 575−596). MacMillan.

Middleton, J. A., Mangu, D., & Lee, A. (2015). A longitudinal study of mathematics and science motivation: Patterns for STEM-intending high schoolers in the US. In M. S. Hannula, G. C. Leder, F. Morselli, M. Vollstedt, & Q. Zhang (Eds.), Affect and mathematics education: Fresh perspectives on motivation, engagement, and identity (pp. 89−106). Springer.

Montoro, A. B., & Gil, F. (2015). Exploring flow in pre-service primary teachers doing measurement tasks. In M. S. Hannula, G. C. Leder, F. Morselli, M. Vollstedt, & Q. Zhang (Eds.), Affect and mathematics education: Fresh perspectives on motivation, engagement, and identity (pp. 283−308). Springer.

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Como Citar

Andrà, C., Amico, A., Scalvini, C., Doria, L., Liljedahl, P., & Pezzutto, M. (2023). Um método de meta-revisão da investigação que revela a inevitável natureza sistémica do afeto. Quadrante, 32(2), 6–24.


