Quadrante Access Password Update
Dear guest editors, authors, and reviewers of Quadrante,
The editorial team would like to inform you that RCAAP has performed maintenance on all hosted journals and implemented new security measures.
The next time you attempt to log in to the Quadrante page, please follow these instructions:
- Request a password reset by clicking on "Forgot your password?" You will receive an email at the provided email address.
- Confirm your password reset request by clicking the link sent in the email. You will then receive a second email with a temporary password.
- Use your username and the temporary password to set a new password.
- This new password must be at least 12 characters long. We strongly recommend that the new password includes lowercase letters (a...z), uppercase letters (A...Z), numbers (0...9), and special characters.
We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Best regards,
The Quadrante Editors