A Matemática na Expressão Plástica


  • Sónia Martins Félix Programa para Prevenção e Eliminação da Exploração do Trabalho Infantil (Ministério da Segurança Social, da Família e da Criança) Programa Integrado de Educação e Formação, Portugal




Mathematics, Plastic Expression, Techniques of Plastic Expression, Observation, Mathematics/Art Interpenetration


This paper reports a study which primary concern is to descript the way pupils from elementary school establish relations between Visual Arts and Mathematics, taking into account some selected techniques of Plastic Expression. To deepen and contextualize such matter, we have defined some issues for investigation as a way to carry out the study:

a) What mathematical knowledge do pupils reveal when speaking of their plastic productions?

b) Which techniques of Plastic Expression favor a rich discourse of mathematical knowledge?

The methodological approach followed was of qualitative type, with an exploratory first phase, preceded by a study of multiple case. The data was gathered from observations, plastic elements and the testimony of pupils during work sessions. Concerning the obtained results, one must stress out the variety of mathematical concepts identified by the pupils. Whatever the case, geometrical shapes and the existence of straight and rounded lines are pointed out as predominant elements in the compositions.



How to Cite

Martins Félix, S. (2005). A Matemática na Expressão Plástica. Quadrante, 14(1), 67–87. https://doi.org/10.48489/quadrante.22788


