Literacia, Raciocínio e Pensamento Estatístico com Robots


  • Paula Cristina Lopes Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. Ângelo Augusto da Silva, Portugal
  • Elsa Fernandes Universidade da Madeira | Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal



Robots, Learning Statistics, Statistical Literacy, Statistical Reasoning, Statistical Thinking


In this paper we report part of a broader study which purpose is to understand how the use of technology, especially robots, contributes to students’ development of statistical literacy, reasoning and thinking and to their ability to solve problems, producing meaning and enhancing learning. Learning of statistics is the phenomenon under study. In this investigation, with a qualitative nature, participant observation was a central strategy in data collection process and enabled a close and personal contact with students. it was given particular relevance to the process and not to the product of the developed activities. Thus, we will discuss and analyze how learning occurred in math classes where 8th grade students, of a middle school in Funchal, their math teacher and researcher involved in the data collection process, have organized and have realized robot races. To provide a relevant context — The robots race — was important to promote knowledge and awareness, among students, about the statistical data. Thus, students have recognized the context in which data were collected and the purpose of its use. They were able to reason with ideas and statistical concepts, giving meaning to statistical information.



How to Cite

Lopes, P. C., & Fernandes, E. (2019). Literacia, Raciocínio e Pensamento Estatístico com Robots. Quadrante, 23(2), 69–94.


