Applets as artefacts of semiotic mediation in preservice elementary teacher education


  • Sónia Martins Centro de Investigação em Educação, Universidade da Madeira



semiotic mediation, applets, mathematics’ learning, initial teacher education


Assuming that the recognition of the potential of a given artefact plays a crucial role in the planning of activities that contemplates its use, this paper aims to characterize the practice of using applets in a curricular unit of elementary teachers’ course. The main purpose is to understand to what extent students’ identification of the semiotic potential of the applets used can facilitate the efficient use of these resources in the planning of didactic approaches, aiming mathematics’ learning. The research methods are qualitative, based on a design research paradigm, with the participation of 20 students in basic education course and one researcher. Data were collected based on the field notes produced by the researcher and on the students' works, developed in groups or individually. Data show that the activities developed allowed future teachers to analyze semiotic potential of several applets, identifying the knowledge and the mathematical procedures produced with its use and the influence that the methodological approach and that teachers’ orchestration assume in the construction of that knowledge. That analysis was important for students to create their own approaches to applets’ use, by assuming those two dimensions: the potential brought by the applet to evoke mathematical knowledge and the relevance of the didactical approach orchestrated for its use.


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How to Cite

Martins, S. (2020). Applets as artefacts of semiotic mediation in preservice elementary teacher education. Quadrante, 29(1), 74–96.


