Instructional design of a modeling experience in an optimization situation
optimization, Models and Modelling Perspective, derivative, Design based researchAbstract
The need to optimize is present in numerous real-life situations. A variety of interesting contexts can be found for modelling phenomena that require finding an optimal solution. In this paper we describe and analyse the design and experimentation process of an optimization task situated in a real context and focused on the Models and Modelling Perspective developed by Lesh and Doerr. The experimentation was carried out with 13 high school students, 24 starting their undergraduate studies in Applied Mathematics and 7 master’s students on Models and Modelling. Through the models generated, the participants showed the development of their conceptual systems associated with optimization. The Design-based research was the adopted methodology, by carrying out two iterative cycles, in which the principles of instructional design of a model-eliciting activity of Models and Modelling and the ways of thinking revealed by the students were the main instruments to inform the evolution of the modelling sequence. The results obtained from the experimentation show the modelling process followed by the students and the models they generated. It was the basis to reflect on the adherence to the principles of instructional design, considering the changes in the task, and, finally, we discuss its feasibility.
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