Modelling as a vehicle for the development of covariational reasoning in secondary education
covariational reasoning, models and modelling, participatory simulations, collective activityAbstract
This article describes how the development of covariational reasoning is favoured in 18 students (14 years old), through modelling activities, supported by participatory simulations to address the problem of scarce access to medical care in Mexican indigenous populations, placing secondary school students in different scenarios occurring in the spread of a disease. The design-based research was used as the research methodology and the experimentation phase is emphasized to describe the collective activity of the students and understand how they developed an awareness of the situation. Multiple interactions between participants are analysed using Toulmin’s argumentation schemes and the covariational reasoning development framework. From the participation of students as active agents within the simulations, emerging models provoke discussions that lead to their refinement. Finally, the abstraction of the model emerges from the patterns of the information relative to the emergent structure, approaching the mathematized description of the presented reality.
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