Lesson study in initial mathematics teacher education: Key aspects that promote the development of prospective teachers’ didactical knowledge





lesson study, initial teacher education, didactical knowledge, mathematics teaching


Based on the analysis of three lesson studies, carried out in different initial teacher education programs, we aim to identify key aspects of the lesson studies that promoted the development of prospective teachers’ didactic knowledge. We followed a qualitative approach and the data collection includes field notes from participant observation, audio recordings of the sessions, and document collection. The results show that the detailed preparation of the lesson, based on the anticipation of the students' work, in parallel with the discussion of papers related to the work carried out, promoted the development of the prospective teachers’ knowledge about the mathematics to teach, students, and teaching practice. Having several classroom experiences, particularly teaching more than one lesson, led them to define strategies to improve their practice, based on the reflection on students’ learning, also developing their knowledge about students and their learning processes and teaching practice. The supervisors’ interventions and the collaborative environment, at all phases of the lesson studies, also proved to be essential to promote the development of prospective teachers’ didactical knowledge.


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How to Cite

Martins, M., Duarte, N., & Ponte, J. P. da. (2023). Lesson study in initial mathematics teacher education: Key aspects that promote the development of prospective teachers’ didactical knowledge. Quadrante, 32(1), 120–141. https://doi.org/10.48489/quadrante.28737


