Assessment and communication in the mathematics class: conceptions and practices of teachers of the 2nd cycle of basic education




assessment, communication, 2nd cycle of basic education, mathematics teachers


This paper presents as its main goal the analysis and systematization of conceptions and practices concerning evaluation and communication in mathematics classroom of 2nd cycle of basic education teachers. We have followed an interpretative research design, with a collaboration component among researchers and teachers, supported on questioning and observation of professional practice. The results regarding the conceptions and the practices of the four participating teachers highlight the fact that assessment and communication are connected in the nature of the different sorts of oral questions and the relevance of written records, the classroom discussion and in the interaction and sharing of ideas between students and teacher. The teacher’s discourse is emphasized by or constrained to the main mathematical ideas and mathematical content that are the object of assessment. The interactions among students in the collective discussion moments are scarce, bidirectional relationships between students and teacher prevailing. The data point to a predominance of assessment of learning associated with the communication of learning, in a perspective of transmission and testing of mathematical knowledge, detrimental to assessment towards learning associated with communication for learning, understood as regulatory procedures of new learning.


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How to Cite

Guerreiro, A., & Martins, C. (2020). Assessment and communication in the mathematics class: conceptions and practices of teachers of the 2nd cycle of basic education . Quadrante, 29(2), 6–23.


