Written mathematics communication of future teachers from the early years of elementary school involving algebraic thinking
Written mathematical communication, Algebraic thinking, Prospective teachersAbstract
This article presents results of a research that aimed at investigating the written mathematical communication of future teachers of the first years of elementary school, in relation to algebraic thinking. From the four dimensions of written mathematical communication – clarity, reasoning, logic, and depth –, identified by the adopted theoretical framework, an organization and interpretation of the data was carried out. The analyzed materials were the records written by the participating preservice teachers when they solved a task. The results reveal that, in relation to the clarity dimension, the registers present definite ideas, but they use vocabulary that is not very precise or understandable and they resort to inappropriate representations. Regarding the reasoning dimension, the records did not present formalized ideas. In the logical dimension, the records had predominant concentrations in the low and medium levels, as they present a superficial or imprecise logical organization. As for the depth dimension, it is observed that the records do not present algebraic explanations about the situation. The data indicates that future teachers are not able, in general, to accurately express algebraic constructions to explain certain situations, sometimes in the context of the tasks.
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