Concepciones y creencias del profesorado de secundaria andaluz sobre enseñanza-aprendizaje y evaluación en matemáticas
Teachers’ thinking, conceptions and beliefs, mathematics assessment, mathematics education, secondary educationAbstract
This work describes and characterizes the conceptions and beliefs on mathematics' assessment sustained by Andalucian secondary teachers. It is an exploratory study. Survey technique is used by means of a closed multiple-choice scale questionnaire applied to a sample (n = 163) of the studied population (n=412). The factor analysis of the data let us detect general factors that establish the global conception sustained by the teachers on this topic. The general factor is
articulated by means of 16 and 13 partial factors respectively, which show several teachers' beliefs. The cluster analysis of the teachers’ factor scores allows to establish thought tendencies with regard to the beliefs in teaching and learning and assessment already detected and to interrelate them.
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