Equações do 2.º grau do fim do século XIX ao início do século XXI: Uma análise de sete manuais escolares
Algebra, Equations, Tasks, Textbooks, History of Mathematics TeachingAbstract
This paper analyses the way 2nd degree equation are studied in seven school mathematics textbooks published between the end of the XIXth century and the beginning of the XXIst century, chosen among the most used in each period. We analyze the way this subject is presented in each textbook, including the way the theme is approached, the examples and the tasks proposed to the student, as well as the contexts used and the language and graphic style.
The analysis undertaken shows that the topic had an approach increasingly simplified, in its content, in tasks proposed and in the language, and it can be noted an influence of modern mathematics with the introduction of elements of logic and set theory. It also stands a very interesting in the use of the terms “exercise” and “problem”.
In a first phase, the exercises had a great complexity. Those that were phrased in natural language were called problems. Later, the term “exercise” is substituted by “activity”. In the more recent textbook, the term “exercise” disappears and the term “problem” begins designating tasks of a much diversifi ed nature, including very simple tasks.
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