Les questions de développement curriculaire à travers un exemple: l'enseigment de l'analyse en France au lycée depuis le debut du XXème siècle (Republicação)


  • Michèle Artigue LDAR, Université Paris Diderot — Paris 7, France




Curricular evolutions, Calculus, Anthropological theory of didactics, Levels of didactical co-determination, Ecology of knowledge


Curricular evolutions obey complex dynamics. These are shaped by conditions and constraints situated at very different levels and involve a diversity of actors. In this article, we approach this complexity, taking as an example the case of the teaching of Calculus in highschool in France from the beginning of the twentieth century, and using as a theoretical framework the anthropological theory of didactics (ATD) developed by Chevallard. We first introduce the constructs of ATD we mainly refer to: the idea of praxeology and the hierarchy of levels of co-determination, then we trace curricular evolutions in the highschool teaching of Calculus in France distinguishing seven different periods since the 1902 reform. Along the analysis, we try to identify some characteristics of this dynamics and associated didactical phenomena possibly transcending this particular case.



How to Cite

Artigue, M. (2011). Les questions de développement curriculaire à travers un exemple: l’enseigment de l’analyse en France au lycée depuis le debut du XXème siècle (Republicação). Quadrante, 20(2), 109–131. https://doi.org/10.48489/quadrante.22864


