First graders’ spatial reasoning processes in representing 3D shapes




spatial reasoning, spatial structuring, representations, collective discussions


In this paper, our aim is to analyze in what way does 1st graders’ drawings of 3D shapes promote their spatial reasoning as well as their spatial structuring. For that, we analyze the drawings from seven students during two tasks, as well as, their communication, during collective discussions, concerning those resolutions, in the classroom. Data was collected during cycle 1 of a design-based research. Results show that students draw their constructions by segmenting them into different parts, and use different types of drawings to show the relationships among those parts, like slated squares, in the case of local structuring, or drawing smaller squares inside larger squares or using numeric codes to represent different layers, in the case of global structuring. Also, in local structuring, in some cases, students’ drawings show miscounting or lack of coordination between perpendicular parts. Spatial structuring seems to be anchored in spatial reasoning processes, related to understanding and transforming, that allow establishing relationships between 3D shapes and their plane representations, like relating, rearranging, sectioning, dimension shifting and locating. By letting students use different ways of communicating, we gain a better understanding of students’ ideas and, at the same time, allow them to deepen their spatial structuring.


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How to Cite

Conceição, J., & Rodrigues, M. (2020). First graders’ spatial reasoning processes in representing 3D shapes. Quadrante, 29(1), 115–139.


