The knowledge of future teachers about mathematical reasoning processes before and after a teacher education course


  • William Vieira Instituto Federal de São Paulo – IFSP, Brasil
  • Margarida Rodrigues Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa | UIDEF, Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
  • Lurdes Serrazina Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa | UIDEF, Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal



mathematical reasoning, justifying, generalizing, exemplifying, classifying, teachers' knowledge


This article is part of the Mathematical Reasoning and Teacher Education Project (REASON) which aims to study the mathematical and didactical knowledge that teachers need to carry out a practice that promotes students’ mathematical reasoning and to study ways to support their development, through a design research methodology. We propose to discuss the knowledge that future teachers have about mathematical reasoning and its processes, before and after a teacher education methods course. To achieve this goal, we analyzed data related to reasoning processes present in two questions of a task, used as a pre-test and post-test, and applied in a class of 1st year of the Master of Teaching in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education and Maths and Science in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education. The reasoning processes discussed in this article are generalizing, justifying, exemplifying and classifying. Quantitative analysis of the students’ responses was carried out, as well as content analysis of how they understand the reasoning processes. The results show that most students have an adequate knowledge about mathematical reasoning, as well as the reasoning processes analyzed, in the two moments of application of the task. There is greater clarity in explaining what they understand to be the reasoning processes, after the teacher education course.


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— Updated on 2020-06-28

How to Cite

Vieira, W., Rodrigues, M., & Serrazina, L. (2020). The knowledge of future teachers about mathematical reasoning processes before and after a teacher education course. Quadrante, 29(1), 8–35.


