Technology and mathematical modelling: addressing challenges, opening doors
modelling, real-world, simulation, system dynamics, technologyAbstract
In terms of achieving educational goals, technology impacts on the nature of mathematical accomplishment with respect to both scope and purpose. We review the use of technology, actual and potential, within mathematical modelling viewed as real-world problem solving. We consider its role within the total modelling process, as well as its manner of use within individual problem contexts, illustrating ways in which inappropriate uses of technology create problems within modelling activity, as well as how discerning use can increase the power and accessibility of models to new audiences. We then demonstrate how technology provides access to models unavailable to those equipped only with hand methods of solution. Here non-linearity and simultaneity among model relationships means that model equations need to be first developed, parameterised, and then solved by simulation. Methods provided by System Dynamics are illustrated by considering the problem of providing potable water for a population expanding into a warmer environment, with limited water reserves.
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