The nature and the aim of the examples used by a teacher in his interventions in modelling projects
modelling projects, exemplarity, teacher intervention, didactic nature, socio-politial nature, fictional natureAbstract
This article presents the results of a study whose objective is to investigate how an experienced teacher uses examples in modelling projects, by analysing the nature and the aim of this kind of teacher intervention. Based on mathematical modelling perspectives described in mathematics education literature, in the principle of exemplarity and in a qualitative research approach, we will analyse critical episodes that took place during the practice of a mathematics teacher who, while monitoring modelling projects, used examples as a way of intervention in the students’ activities. From our analysis, we could see that the examples used by the teacher in modelling projects work in different ways from those commonly used in conventional mathematics classes. As a result of the study, it was possible to outline three main natures for the examples used in this type of activity: didactical nature, socio-political nature, and fictional nature.
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