Making sense of modelling: the case of a group of pre-service teachers




Future teachers, mathematical modelling, sense, experience, educational trajectories


This paper addresses the results from a study about the production of meanings related to mathematical modelling processes by four mathematics pre-service teachers from an Argentinian national university, who were engaged in mathematical modelling activities. Specifically, we ask: What meanings do pre-service teachers give to Mathematical Modelling? Do these meanings vary? And if so, what variations become evident as pre-service teachers engage in different activities? To produce relevant information to answer the above questions, qualitative research was developed through a case study. Within the framework of the research, we designed a teaching proposal that was implemented by the teacher in charge of a course on Space geometry. When reporting and analysing the information produced, the characteristics of the teacher training environment are specified, as well as the main moments and activities that framed the mathematical work and the reflective processes experienced by the future teachers.  Based on the conducted analysis, both the meanings produced by the pre-service teachers, as a group or individually, and their variations are delineated and documented. Based on the results of the study, brief contributions are made concer­ning the training of pre-service mathematics teachers.


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How to Cite

Esteley, C., & Cruz, M. F. (2021). Making sense of modelling: the case of a group of pre-service teachers. Quadrante, 30(2), 269–292.


