Teacher literacy practices and identity constitution of teachers who teach Mathematics





Identity, literacy practices, training of teachers who teach Mathematics, negotiation of meanings, affiliation


This article aims to characterize the identity constitution of teachers who teach mathematics participating in teacher literacy practices. Therefore, we use a qualitative approach and analytical tools from the Social Theory of Learning to discuss the perspective of literacy as a social practice and the constitution of teacher identities based on the uses of reading and writing in class planning and study meetings, of which Teachers who teach Mathematics in the final years of Elementary School in a public school participated. Data were produced through interviews with teachers who teach mathematics in the final years of elementary school and through observations of lesson planning meetings and studies in a public school. The results indicate that identities were constituted according to different modes of affiliation, namely: identity as alignment, identity as engagement and identity as imagination. The analysis suggests that the constitution of the identities of the members occurred in the search for becoming insiders in practices of use of reading and writing specific to that domain, through the negotiation of identities to be recognized and the engagement in practices valued in that context.


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How to Cite

Lacerda da Silva, N., & Pereira de Oliveira, A. M. (2022). Teacher literacy practices and identity constitution of teachers who teach Mathematics. Quadrante, 31(1), 54–73. https://doi.org/10.48489/quadrante.25023


