Semantic congruence: a semiotic and cognitive phenomenon to be considered in mathematical learning




semantic congruence, treatment, conversion


The semantic congruence in mathematics learning, developed by Duval as a notion that promotes the semiotic and cognitive operations of processing and conversion, has proven to be extremely important in understanding the successes and errors in students’ productions. The topic has also been proven to be equally important in the preparation of didactic activities that aim at teaching any mathematical notions. The present study works with these two ideas: to understand what happens with students' productions; and to contribute to the preparation of teaching activities.


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How to Cite

Moretti, M. T., Brandt, C. F. ., & Almouloud, S. A. . (2022). Semantic congruence: a semiotic and cognitive phenomenon to be considered in mathematical learning. Quadrante, 31(1), 92–112.


