Aspects of the practice of a community of teachers and the development of professional agency




Community of Practice, teacher education, professional identity, professional agency


This article aim is to analyze aspects of the practice of a Community of Practice (CoP) of mathematics teachers, in in-service teacher education, which supported the development of their professional agency, in the face of vulnerability experiences. Therefore, a qualitative investigation was carried out of the development of the Numerical Sets enterprise by this CoP. The results show that the actions of adapting a task, organizing a lesson plan, and reflecting on the inquiry-based lesson promote aspects of the practice of this community. These aspects were jointly fostered and cultivated by the participants, thanks to relationships of solidarity, mutual respect, complicity, empathy, reciprocity, trust, and genuine interactions that valued singularities and diversity in the learning process. These relationships and interactions strengthened the teachers' self-confidence, which was reflected in their professional identity, especially in their self-esteem and self-image, in order to enable and influence the development not only of each one's professional agency, but of a collective and collaborative agency.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, L. M., & de Costa Trindade Cyrino, M. C. . (2022). Aspects of the practice of a community of teachers and the development of professional agency. Quadrante, 31(1), 7–27.


