The affective domain in mathematics in children with dyscalculia: A systematic review
dyscalculia, learning disability, affective domain, affect, systematic reviewAbstract
The affective domain is a key element to consider in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Most of the research on the mathematical affective profile of students has been carried out with students who do not exhibit specific learning difficulties, while considerably less attention has been given to students with dyscalculia. The main aim of this study is to find out what has been researched about the affective domain in mathematics of students with dyscalculia. A systematic review was carried out in different bibliographical sources and twenty-four publications were reviewed. Two clear groups were found: one group formed by research on math anxiety, this being the main theme, and the other by studies examining different constructs related to the affective domain, including emotions, without explicit reference to math anxiety. The results lead us to conclude that the study of aspects related to the affective profile of students with dyscalculia has been very limited and focused mainly on math anxiety. More studies are considered necessary to understand and describe all the elements from the affective domain (beliefs, emotions, and attitudes) that are relevant in the case of children with dyscalculia, which, if they are of a negative nature, can influence and aggravate the difficulties experienced by these students in the learning of mathematics.
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