Learning components highlighted in the stages of a mathematical modelling activity





mathematics education, mathematical modelling, modelling cycle, learning components, elementary school


In this paper we highlight the types of mathematical learning provided in the development of a modelling activity by Elementary School students. The theoretical framework that underlies our investigation is based on the components of mathematical learning that are present in the ways in which students deal with mathematical techniques and procedures in mathematical modelling, as a means of establishing connections between mathematics and life situations. Empirical research with 19 students from a class of 8th grade of elementary school at a private school made it possible to infer the presence of learning components in the stages of the mathematical modelling cycle and showed that some of them were more central in certain stages of the process. Such evidence was provided by the students’ written records, transcripts of audio and video recordings, and messages in groups on the WhatsApp application. The analysis of the learning components allowed inferring that the modelling process involved unequivocal mathematical learning, as several types of learning could be observed throughout the cycle.


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How to Cite

Silva, K. A. P., & Trindade, S. L. (2023). Learning components highlighted in the stages of a mathematical modelling activity. Quadrante, 32(1), 50–76. https://doi.org/10.48489/quadrante.30019


