Who benefits from modelling tasks combined with experiments? Effects of students’ affective traits and learning situations on situational interest and feeling of competence





modelling, experiments, interest, feeling of competence, affect, exponential function


Modelling is a key mathematical competence. However, previous research has found inconsistent results concerning students’ motivation regarding modelling. One frequently discussed approach to foster students’ motivation is to combine modelling tasks with scientific experiments. In this contribution, we analyse which students benefit from such tasks – in the sense of beneficial affective states like situational interest and feelings of competence – by taking into account different learning situations related to modelling tasks with and without experiment as well as students’ affective traits, namely individual interest and mathematical self-concept. Our results with 82 students indicate that students’ affective states do depend on both, the specific learning situation and their affective traits. Especially in the case of situational interest, an interaction of learning situation and individual interest exists: students with low individual interest in mathematics report most situational interest in conducting experiments but not in modelling their experimental data, while students with high individual interest are most interested in modelling without experiments. We discuss theoretical and practical implications of these results.


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How to Cite

Geisler, S., & Rach, S. (2023). Who benefits from modelling tasks combined with experiments? Effects of students’ affective traits and learning situations on situational interest and feeling of competence. Quadrante, 32(2), 130–152. https://doi.org/10.48489/quadrante.31452


