Changing mathematical beliefs and achievement: The synergies of mindset ideas and effective teaching




mathematics, mindsets, neuroscience, camp, math anxiety


This paper reviews research showing the importance of changing students’ mindsets and mathematical beliefs, and the promising research that has shown the impact of infusing mindset ideas through the teaching of mathematics. Previous research has demonstrated increased motivation and brain activity in learners with a growth mindset when facing mathematics problems. This paper proposes a shift in focusing solely on positive mindset messages towards the reorganization of learning environments and teaching approaches, to what we call a Mathematical Mindset approach. It also presents the outcomes of a summer camp that was designed with a mathematical mindset approach and taught in 10 US districts and four countries.This paper reviews research showing the importance of changing students’ mindsets and mathematical beliefs, and the promising research that has shown the impact of infusing mindset ideas through the teaching of mathematics. Previous research has demonstrated increased motivation and brain activity in learners with a growth mindset when facing mathematics problems. This paper proposes a shift in focusing solely on positive mindset messages towards the reorganization of learning environments and teaching approaches, to what we call a Mathematical Mindset approach. It also presents the outcomes of a summer camp that was designed with a mathematical mindset approach and taught in 10 US districts and four countries. 


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How to Cite

Boaler, J., Dieckmann, J., & Loos, R. A. (2023). Changing mathematical beliefs and achievement: The synergies of mindset ideas and effective teaching. Quadrante, 32(2), 195–208.


