Professional learning on early algebraic thinking in a community of practice




teachers’ continuous education, community of practice, teacher professional development, early algebraic thinking


This article aims to reflect on the contributions of a continuous education process, in the context of a community of practice (CoP), to the construction of teachers’ professional knowledge on algebraic thinking of children aged 6 to 10 years old. The CoP was formed by the teacher educator and 21 teachers from a municipal education network in Mato Grosso, Brazil. The education process took place in 2021, in a hybrid format, with online and face-to-face meetings. The data produced were selected and discussed through discursive textual analysis, considering the processes of negotiation of meanings that occurred in the CoP, enabling professional learning among the members. The results revealed that a CoP constituted under the common interests of teachers and whose practice takes place in and for their teaching practice, enhances mutual engagement and participation, as well as adherence to negotiation of meanings, encouraging the learning of professional knowledge and the (re)signification of the practice itself.


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How to Cite

Quadros, V. C. de ., & Carreira, S. (2024). Professional learning on early algebraic thinking in a community of practice. Quadrante, 33(1), 133–163.


