Development of computational thinking and visualization skills through the board game Colour Code
computational thinking, spatial visualization, unplugged computational thinking, mathematics education, problem solving, board gameAbstract
Teaching Computational Thinking (CT) skills through unplugged alternatives, which do not require the use of electronic devices, offers an alternative way to engage students in key concepts without relying on technology. This study aims to analyze the development of CT skills through the use of the board game Colour Code, focusing especially on Visualization, which is necessary to solve the challenges presented in the game. A qualitative approach was adopted, analyzing video recordings of 16 pairs of high-ability students participating in a curricular enrichment program. The results indicate that participants effectively apply CT skills, such as systematic organization of information, problem decomposition, execution of iterative steps, and error debugging. Additionally, they employ advanced Visualization skills such as visual differentiation and analyzing figure-ground relationships to solve the challenges. The research highlights the effectiveness of board games as teaching tools in the geometry classroom, allowing for the development of CT and Visualization skills. This approach promotes more inclusive and accessible learning, offering an alternative method to enrich mathematics education through scalable and playful challenges.
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