Development of computational thinking and geometric reasoning in the 7th grade: Results from a teaching experiment
integration tasks, computational thinking practices, geometric reasoning processes, hypothetical learning trajectoryAbstract
Computational Thinking (CT) has been considered an essential skill in school curricula, especially in Mathematics. However, there is still a limited understanding of how it can be developed in an integrated way with other essential mathematical knowledge. This study investigated the possibility of integrating the development of computational thinking and geometric reasoning within the subtopic of Operations with Figures, in the 7th grade. The Design Research methodology was used, employing a Teaching Experiment approach guided by a conjecture and based on exploratory tasks to develop, simultaneously, CT and geometric reasoning. The results showed that intentionally combining CT and Geometry enables the development and mobilization of knowledge across both domains, in an integrated, cyclical, and iterative way. However, achievement levels varied, with challenges observed in connecting CT and geometric reasoning, influenced by the complexity of concepts, familiarity with programming platforms, and geometric reasoning processes. The study concludes that integration is feasible and beneficial but requires adaptable approaches that consider students' cognitive development and include an inquiry-based approach. It is recommended to initially use unplugged tasks to facilitate the transition to digital tools.
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