Knowing, discerning, and acting in pedagogical assessment: The legacy of Leonor Santos


  • Domingos Fernandes Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia (CIES); ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa; Conselho Nacional de Educação | Portugal



Leonor Santos, evaluation theory, assessment, pedagogical assessment, formative assessment, summative assessment


This text has been written as a consequence of the disappearance of our dearest colleague Leonor Santos, a professor and researcher who stood out for her recognized and unusual personal and academic qualities, and its purpose is to present and discuss significant aspects of the legacy she left us in the field of evaluation and, particularly, pedagogical assessment. Four texts were reviewed that I considered relevant in terms of their scope and the nature of their contents and that seemed to me to translate well Leonor Santos’ thoughts regarding theoretical construction and the complexity of pedagogical assessment; the quality criteria for formative assessment; and the relationships between formative and summative assessments. The analysis carried out allowed, among others, to identify the following characteristics of the work left to us by our dear colleague: a) the emphasis given to knowledge and conceptual clarification to discuss issues of interest and to progress in theoretical and practical terms; b) the remarkable consistency of her texts, always with a logical, coherent thread, highlighting the essence of the issues under analysis and always supported by empirical research that she always carried out; and c) her systematic concern for discussing issues that are not often discussed within Portuguese academic circles.


Leal, L. (1992). Avaliação da aprendizagem num contexto de inovação curricular. (Dissertação de Mestrado). Departamento de Educação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa.

Pinto, J., & Santos, L. (2006). Modelos de avaliação das aprendizagens. Universidade Aberta.

Santos, L. (2011). Que critérios de qualidade para a avaliação formativa?. In D. Fernandes (Org.), Avaliação em educação: dez olhares sobre uma prática social incontornável (pp. 155-165). Editora Melo.

Santos, L. (2016). A articulação entre a avaliação somativa e a formativa na prática pedagógica: uma impossibilidade ou um desafio?. Ensaio: Avaliação das Políticas Públicas de Educação, 24(92), 637-669.

Santos, L. (2019). Reflexões em torno da avaliação pedagógica. In M. I. Ramalho Ortigão, D. Fernandes, T. V. Pereira, & L. Santos (Orgs.), Avaliar para aprender no Brasil e em Portugal: perspectivas teóricas, práticas e de desenvolvimento (pp. 165-190). CRV.



How to Cite

Fernandes, D. (2024). Knowing, discerning, and acting in pedagogical assessment: The legacy of Leonor Santos. Quadrante, 33(1), 190–206.



Dossier: Tribute to Leonor Santos