Mathematical reasoning: Leonor Santos and the Reason Project




mathematical reasoning, mathematical reasoning processes, teacher education


This article seeks to illustrate Leonor Santos' involvement in the Reason project – Mathematical Reasoning and Teacher Training, considering her participation in the project's team and publications she co-authored relating to training experiences with teachers from the 3rd cycle of elementary school and high school. The article begins by synthesizing theoretical contributions on mathematical reasoning and mathematical reasoning processes that were present in the Reason project, analyzes the training workshops carried out within the scope of the project for 3rd cycle and high school teachers, and then focuses on the main results of the published research, which concludes that the teachers involved developed their knowledge about the processes of generalizing and justifying. The article ends by highlighting Leonor Santos’ involvement and her contribution to the development of the project.


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How to Cite

Serrazina, L. (2024). Mathematical reasoning: Leonor Santos and the Reason Project . Quadrante, 33(1), 227–234.



Dossier: Tribute to Leonor Santos